Policies and Reports

If you wish to make a formal complaint.

Please use the Complaints Policy and Procedure.

Richmond and Hillcroft Adult and Community College welcomes all people regardless of their gender, age, race, marital status, language, cultural, social or religious background, and physical, sensory or intellectual difficulty, sexual orientation or HIV status.

The staff of RHACC will endeavour to promote equality of opportunity and will always challenge prejudice and inequality.

All staff at the College are expected to value and celebrate the diversity brought into the College. We would be pleased to know if, at any time, we fail to meet these standards. Please contact the Chair of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Monitoring Group if you have any comments on our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy.

 Equality and Diversity Policy



Richmond and Hillcroft Adult and Community College is committed to excellence in teaching and learning; the management of health and safety is integral to these activities and so the same commitment to excellence shall apply to the manner in which the College discharges its responsibilities for the health and safety of its employees, students, visitors (including contractors) and all those who may be affected by its activities.

Richmond and Hillcroft Adult Community College Health and Safety Policy 


The Learner Disciplinary PolicyLearner Disciplinary Procedure provides a framework for learner behaviour, in order to ensure the proper functioning or activities of the college for those who work or study in the college.

Following our December 2023 Ofsted visit, we are pleased to announce we have been rated "GOOD". Inspectors praised the college and the environment for learners.

Full Ofsted Report 2023

This document provides the basis for planning the organisation's business over the next three years. It also provides the context for submitting annual Development Planning information to the Skills Funding Agency as well as other regulatory authorities.

Strategic Plan 2022 - 2025