Carers' Hub
Are you an un-paid carer?
Is there someone you care for? The majority of care is provided by women or by people who don’t recognise the support they give loved ones as ‘care’. The NHS defines a carer as anyone who: “… looks after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without their support. The care they give is unpaid.”
RHACC’s Carers’ Hub provides a range of affordable, accessible activities and services for carers that help carers to:
• Improve wellbeing, stay connected, meet people and make friends.
• Plan for the future by accessing careers information, advice and guidance, and vocational training.
• Access to a range of services in our Learning Resource Centre.
• Choose one free leisure/ wellbeing course per term from a list of specified courses.
• Access to our Learning Resource Centres at Parkshot and Hillcroft enabling use of our IT and WiFi, with support from the LRC team.
• Join digital workshops for free, to learn about staying safe online including using Zoom/WhatsApp, social media etc.
• We may be able to arrange for the person you care for to join a course at RHACC at the same time as your course.
• Online learning options so you can learn from home or from our student computers onsite (subject to availability).
• Laptop loan available if you’re studying on a vocational course.
• Receive information, advice and guidance, with our qualified careers advisor about possible career and volunteering options.