Certificate in Information, Advice and Guidance Level 2 (DL)
This course will be delivered online.
Many job roles involve interaction with customers, clients or colleagues to inform, advise or guide them, and there are many techniques it is important to be aware of in order to carry this out effectively.
This course aims to equip you with the practical skills needed to successfully convey information, advice or guidance in a wide range of situations and sectors. The course covers a variety of key topics crucial to providing an excellent and efficient service, including questioning, listening and communicating techniques, the importance of confidentiality and how to overcome barriers.
This course is suitable for anyone working in, or looking to work in, a role which involves the giving
of information, advice or guidance. The knowledge gained by carrying out this qualification is transferable across a wide range of sectors, allowing you to apply it to your own employment context.
Please note, Distance Learning courses have rolling start dates, meaning you can apply for this course at anytime. This course will commence from 1st August 2024
Course Content
This course is split into five manageable units:
Unit1: Information,advice or guidance in practice
Unit 2: Developing interaction skills for information,
advice or guidance
Unit 3: Signposting and referral in information, advice or guidance
Unit4: Information, advice o rguidance in context
Unit5: Skills for advice providers
Entry Requirements
To be eligible for this course you must be 19 or over on 31st August prior to the course start date.
To be eligible for this Level 2 course you must be 19 or over on 31st August prior to the course start date. You must have Level 1 English skills (e.g. Functional Skills English). If you are not able to produce evidence of an English qualification, you will be required to take a short assessment. To ensure this course and style of learning is suitable for you, we will also require you to complete a short course application and attend a brief [online] interview. You must have access to the necessary I.T equipment and internet service to study on this course. A PC, laptop or tablet is recommended.
Assessment Methods
This course is conducted via Distance Learning you will submit all assignment work through the learning platform. You will be assigned an assessor and you will receive feedback via the learning platform.
Additional Information
This course is delivered via the EQUAL learning platform, an award-winning, learning resource of the highest quality. Resources are designed to be engaging and interactive to keep you focused on your learning at all times. Studying via distance learning means you can choose when and where you study, although you are expected to complete your course within the given timeframe (31/7/23). We will ensure you get all the support you need throughout your course in the form of a personal course assessor.