Maths Prepare for your GCSE
This course is for you if you interested in studying GCSE Maths in the next academic year. This course is suitable for current learners at RHACC and for those who haven t studied at RHACC before.
Course Content
You should have achieved Functional Skills Maths Level 1 within the last 12 months or you can complete a Maths initial assessment to evidence your level of maths.
Entry Requirements
To be eligible for this course you must be 19 or over on 31st August prior to the course start date.
You will be introduced to a selection of gcse topics including ; Number - compound interest and repeated percentage change, working with standard form; Algebra - its language and rules, subsituting into fomulae, re-arranging and solving equations; Geometry - angle properties in shapes, areas and volumes; Graphs - co-ordinates and using linear equations to construct graphs; Statistics - finding averages from grouped data, constructing and interpreting charts; Probability - working out probabilities and solving problems using tree diagrams, two way tables and Venn diagrams. You will complete a Level 2 diagnostic assessment which allows you to identify any areas needing further practise and some individual learning targets will be set alongside the main course content.
First Class Requirements
You should bring along an A4 writing pad, pen, pencil, highlighter. You should also have a calculator, protractor, compass, 30cm ruler, rubber. You need to bring these resources with you to each session.
Attendance Requirements
To successfully complete this course, you must commit to 100% attendance and punctuality.
Assessment Methods
You should bring along an A4 writing pad, pen, pencil, highlighter. You should also have a calculator, protractor, compass, 30cm ruler, rubber.
By enrolling on a Maths course you can develop your problem solving, quantitative reasoning, communication and time management skills including working to deadlines. Mathematical knowledge is very important in STEM jobs and in many other jobs. For example, health care professionals need maths skills to treat patients, understand medical tests, and operate medical equipment. In fact, maths is a basic skill in most occupations.
Further Study Options
By enrolling on a Maths course you can develop your problem solving, quantitative reasoning, communication and time management skills including working to deadlines. Mathematical knowledge is very important in STEM jobs and in many other jobs. For example, health care professionals need maths skills to treat patients, understand medical tests, and operate medical equipment. In fact, maths is a basic skill in most occupations.
Additional Information
We encourage learners to attend as many classes as possible and expect at least 90% attendance on the course.