
RJS - Easter Jazz School

Easter Jazz is now an established part of Richmond Jazz School offering participants the opportunity to join in an intensive jazz experience.

Run over three days this is a great opportunity to draw on the expertise and resources of our nationally recognised team of tutors. The sessions cover all areas of jazz for instrumentalists and vocalists alike, giving the chance to learn and jam together.

Course Content

Each of your days will run from 10:00 to 17:00 and contain a wide range of activities with an emphasis on developing material for the performance opportunities taking place throughout the course and in the evening jam sessions.

Workshops and seminars will contain:

• Theory and Improvisation Workshops

• Ensemble groups

• Instrumental classes

• Improvisation workshops

• Big Band session Vocal and Instrumental Masterclass workshops

Entry Requirements

To be eligible for this course you must be 19 or over on 31st August prior to the course start date.

Easter Jazz at Richmond Jazz School will provide an intensive, fun and challenging course. It s not appropriate for you if you a beginner to your instrument.
Before the course starts you will be contacted and asked to complete a background information sheet. This information will be used to identify previous experience and abilities so we can create balanced ensembles and groups prior to the start of the course.

First Class Requirements

Instrument, notebook, pencil and music stand if you own one.

Attendance Requirements

Attendance throughout the course will help you gain maximum benefit from the course.

Assessment Methods

While the course is about developing your love and enjoyment of Jazz, you may wish to identify personal goals for the course which your tutors will be able to support and reflect on with you.

Further Study Options

You may wish to progress to further practical jazz courses at RACC. For further information on these courses see the website.

Additional Information

A jam session and evening performance will take place each evening and all are encouraged to attend, play, listen and support.

While the course is non-residential, we can offer advice on local hotels, B&Bs and places to stay in Richmond upon Thames during your course and hope to be able to recommend places to stay.

If you require further course information or advice and guidance that is not answered in this outline please email

If you would like general information about the college, for example, fees and finance, funding, term dates or opening times please email or drop in to our main reception area.