
RJS - Summer Jazz Guitar Intensive

This three-day SUMMER JAZZ GUITAR INTENSIVE course will be taught by Mike Outram at Richmond and Hillcroft Adult Community College from Tuesday 16 to Thursday 18 July. You will have played guitar for at least two years and have a good basic working knowledge of the guitar including chords and scales and be able to accompany songs, pick out melodies, etc. You will probably have some practical playing experience

Course Content

The course is designed for guitarists who have been playing for some time and who have a fair command of the instrument, chords, scales, etc.
Its aim is to help you develop your accompaniment and improvisation skills. At the same time you will expand your knowledge of scales, arpeggios and patterns along with your chordal repertoire. The tutor will demonstrate various ways to create effective improvised lines and how to enhance your rhythm guitar and comping skills including bass-line comping, a useful skill when performing with a saxophonist, vocalist or another guitarist.
You will work on a variety of songs over the three days to which you can apply these concepts and resources. The tutor will send you lead sheets, guitar chord charts and other study materials by email and in the class.
The course will run from 1:am to 4:pm on each of the three days, with a break for lunch at 1:pm. The basic format will be:
a) Learning songs, improvisation and accompaniment skills
(b) Playing songs around the class
(c) Fingerboard knowledge e.g. scales, arpeggios, chords
(d) A practice period for you to work on that material
(e) A short Q&A and feedback session
(f) Playing songs around the class
At the end of the third day you can expect to have learnt some new skills and have a clear idea of what and how to practice in order to further develop your artistry as a jazz guitarist.

Entry Requirements

To be eligible for this course you must be 19 or over on 31st August prior to the course start date.

To be eligible for this course you must be 19 or over on the start date of the course. . This course is not for beginners on the guitar. Level 1 literacy is an advantage as handouts will be distributed at different times to reinforce learning.

Attendance Requirements

Attendance throughout the course will help you gain maximum benefit.

Assessment Methods

There is no formal assessment on this course although you will be able to identify individual goals and later reflect on your development. Your tutor will assess your learning and progress through the practical nature of the classes.

Additional Information

If you require further course information or advice and guidance that is not answered in this outline please email