How to Access Online or Remote Learning

Please find advice below about getting set up to join our online classes.

Online Safety videos by RHACC


Online tools:

  • College Email
  • Microsoft Teams

Please see details below of how to access these:

College Email

You already have a student email in the format  

Your student number is the same as your learner ID, if you do not know this your tutor can help you. 

Your email password is your date of birth in a numeric format eg. 19/01/1965 would be 19011965. 

If you are getting an invitation to an online class, you will need to access your student email. 

To access your student email click the link here and log in as described above.

Click here to watch how to access Student number and password.


Microsoft Teams

The software needed for online classes is called Microsoft Teams. You can download Microsoft Teams here. 

Teams is available for your PC, Mac, Tablet or Phone.  Go to your App store and download it. It's FREE, just sign in using your college email as above. You can then join your classes easily when your tutor sends you a link.

Click here to watch how RHACC learners can access their online class through Teams Calendar.

Click here to watch how to access Microsoft Teams through RHACC student email.

Click here to watch how to access Microsoft Teams PDF.

Need help or advice?

If you are experiencing any problems with connection or installing software for your online class please contact our IT Team by submiting an IT Support Request here