RHACC and RCVS launch Workspace Survey
Workspace and offices are increasingly difficult to secure in the borough, so we are exploring the potential for those with spare space to share with those that need it. This could be a desk, an office or other workspace, within a bigger unit or a stand-alone space, and could be for short periods or longer. Likewise, we are also interested in understanding whether people that need workspace would be willing to make use of such space if made available. Alternatively, if you are already renting spare space or facilities in the borough, we also want to hear about your experience.
We are launching the Richmond Workspace Survey in partnership with the Richmond Coucnil for Voluntary Services - to gain a better understanding of the workspace needs of the Richmond business community.
We are interested in hearing from organisations who:
- Currently hire out their space or facilities (e.g. kitchen space, theatre room, etc.)
- Do not currently hire out their spare space or facilities but may be interested in doing so in the future
- Currently rent space or facilities in the borough
- Are looking for space or facilities to rent or may look in the future
If you meet any of the citeria above and are a business located in Richmond, then please take five minutes to complete our short simple survey here - Richmond Workspace Survey
All information will be treated as confidential and will only be used in the context of this specific project.
We look forward to sharing our findings with you and partners in the near future.