Preparing to Work in School - Level 1 Award (NCFE CACHE)
During this course you will learn what it will be like to work in a classroom supporting a teacher. You will learn about communication, equality and diversity, safeguarding and how to support learning by children
Course Content
This course will introduce you to a career working in schools supporting a teacher. It is ideal for those learners who need to improve their level of English and good preparation for the level 2 course.
Entry Requirements
To be eligible for this course you must be 19 or over on 31st August prior to the course start date.
You should have English at entry level 3 or higher.
Tutor approval is required for this course. Please apply online and someone will contact you to arrange an interview.
First Class Requirements
You will receive your log in details for Laser Learning and be taught how to use the system.
Attendance Requirements
Full attendance is essential.
Assessment Methods
You will write assignments during the course and submit them online. Your work will be assessed by your tutor. Your tutor will also assess your personal competencies and you will assess your progress against your own goals.
Further Study Options
Once you have completed this course your tutor will advise you if you can progress to level 2.
Additional Information
As this is a qualification course, you are expected to attend all sessions and arrive on time
If you require further course information or advice & guidance that is not answered in this outline, please email art@rhacc.ac.uk
If you would like general information about the college, for example, fees & finance, funding, term dates or opening times please email info@rhacc.ac.uk or drop in to our main reception area.