
Understanding Autism - Level 3 Certificate

This level 3 blended course (with tutor workshops and online digital platform learning) will equip learners with a strong knowledge of autism including how to support individuals with the condition, the relevant legislative framework, the therapeutic interventions available and the safeguarding responsibilities.

Course Content

This course is split into six manageable units:

Unit 1: Autism in Context

Unit 2: Positive Behavioural Support for Individuals with Autism

Unit 3: Understand Support and Management of Transitions for Individuals with Autism

Unit 4: Therapeutic Interventions and Support Available for Individuals with Autism and Co-occurring Conditions

Unit 5: Communication and Social Interaction with Individuals with Autism

Unit 6: Safeguarding and Resilience in Autism.

Entry Requirements

To be eligible for this course you must be 19 or over on 31st August prior to the course start date.

You must have Level 2 English Skills (e.g. Functional English Skills or GCSE English at a Grade C or numerical equivalent 4 or above). If you are unable to produce evidence of an English qualification, you will be required to take a short assessment. There is no other specific prior learning requirement for this qualification. However, learners may find it helpful if they have already achieved a level 2 qualification in a related subject.

To ensure that this course and style of learning is suitable for you, we will also require you to complete a short course application and attend a brief (online) interview.

You must have access to the necessary IT equipment and internet service to study on this course. A PC, laptop or tablet is recommended.

First Class Requirement

You could bring a laptop or tablet to the face-to-face sessions and/or equipment to make notes on the session.

Attendance Requirements

Regular attendance is recommended

Assessment Methods

This course is conducted via a blend of face to face or hybrid Saturday workshops (which usually take place once a month), monthly online tutorial with the course tutor and a distance learning digital platform. You will submit all portfolio work for the 6 units of the qualification to and receive feedback via the digital learning platform.

Progression routes

This qualification is suitable for those who are in or seeking employment in adult and social care or education of learners with specific learning needs.

Additional Information

Studying via part distance learning means you can for the most part choose when and where you study although you are expected to complete your course within the given timeframe. You will receive support with your course progress from the course tutor.